Learning Teaching Leading

Our Story

Hi these are some articles from long long ago


Below are some older event notices that give a sense of our history and the work we have done.


Judgement and Legacy

Shikaya and Facing History and Ourselves

Judgement and Legacy

The seminar presented by Nicola Frick  looked at the success of the TRC in promoting reconciliation using resources such as the Cradock 4 as well as  the Guglethu 7 to explore what these excerpts tell us about Truth and Reconciliation.

Teacher Responses:

"The video brought the TRC to life and highlighted the responses of the victims and perpetrators."

"Standing up and looking at how you see what TRC has done in terms of reconciliation.

-It make you think about the process itself.

- Was it good for our nation?"

" I found the personal journey I went through very important. Gave me alot to work with."